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本帖最后由 凤凰涅盘 于 2013-5-30 20:53 编辑

Rubens Siqueira博士

This study was approved by the National Committee of Ethics in Research (CONEP) and is also registered in the organ U.S. government control of clinical research (clinicaltrial.gov).
In the first phase successfully completed, we evaluated whether treatment is feasible and safe
We finished the second stage in December 2012 and the results will be published in July 2013 and also presented at ARVO (The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology).
In this second phase of the research, 75% of patients improved central visual field (assessed by microperimetry)
  We are awaiting approval from the ethics committee to begin the third phase.
For now we are not recruiting new participants.
Disclose on our website and publish in scientific journal.
We suggest you recommend you send new e-mail in early next year
文章来自 rp之光爱心联盟 网站http://www.rplm.org/