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2020  05  21

总部位于沃斯堡的Nacuity Pharmaceuticals公司正在澳大利亚进行NPI-001的1/2期临床试验。NPI-001是一种口服药物,旨在减缓视网膜色素变性(RP)患者的视力下降,而RP又与Usher综合征有关。这项名为slop - rp(治疗与Usher综合征相关的视网膜色素变性的NPI-001片与安慰剂的安全性和有效性)的试验将纳入至少48名Usher综合征患者,并对他们进行为期两年的随访。如果slop -RP的结果是有利的,Nacuity计划在2021年在美国和澳大利亚开展针对RP患者的NPI-001临床试验。

美国抗盲基金会通过其RD基金向NPI-001的开发投资750万美元,该基金是一项风险慈善基金,用于正在接近或正在进行早期临床试验的新兴疗法。该基金会还为临床试验和疗法的发展提供科学咨询。基金会首席执行官Benjamin Yerxa博士是Nacuity董事会的成员。基金会投资副总裁Rusty Kelley博士是Nacuity的董事会观察员。

Nacuity首席执行官兼总裁Halden Conner表示:“我们很高兴获得基金会的支持和指导,以将我们不断涌现的治疗方法推广到人体研究中,并希望将其推广到需要治疗的视网膜疾病患者。” “有了基金会作为合作伙伴,我们觉得很有信心实现让NPI-001通过终点的目标。”




nacuity的新兴疗法是基于非常合理和有深度的科学技术。由于它是口服的片剂,因此可以轻松调整剂量。” Yerxa博士说。 “此外,它的设计目的是与导致患者视力丧失的突变基因无关。这意味着NPI-001有潜力帮助许多患有多种疾病和遗传特征的人。”

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Nacutity's new antioxidant therapy has entered clinical trials
2020  05  21
The new anti-oxidation therapy of American anti blindness foundation enters into clinical trials
Nacpharmaceuticals, headquartered in Fort Worth, is conducting phase 1 / 2 clinical trials of npi-001 in Australia. NPI-001 is an oral drug designed to slow down vision loss in retinitis pigmentosa (RP) patients, and RP is related to Usher syndrome. The trial, called slop - RP (safety and efficacy of npi-001 versus placebo in the treatment of retinitis pigmentosa associated with Usher's syndrome), will include at least 48 patients with Usher's syndrome and follow them up for two years. If the outcome of slop-rp is favorable, nacutity plans to conduct npi-001 clinical trials for RP patients in the United States and Australia in 2021.
Through its Rd fund, the foundation has invested $7.5 million in the development of npi-001, a venture philanthropic fund for emerging therapies that are approaching or are undergoing early clinical trials. The foundation also provides scientific advice for the development of clinical trials and therapies. Dr. Benjamin Yerxa, chief executive officer of the foundation, is a member of nacutity's board of directors. Dr. rusty Kelley, vice president of investment of the foundation, is an observer on the board of nacutity.
Halden Conner, chief executive officer and President of nacutity, said: "we are pleased to receive the support and guidance of the foundation to promote our emerging therapies to human research and hope to extend them to patients with retinal diseases who need treatment." "With the foundation as a partner, we are very prepared to achieve the goal of obtaining npi-001 on the terminal line."
Npi-001 is a GMP grade N-acetylcysteine amide (NACA), which is an experimental antioxidant. The researchers believe that in many inherited retinal diseases, increased oxidative stress plays a major role in retinal degeneration and vision loss. The purpose of antioxidant therapy is to reduce oxidative stress.
NACA is related to N-acetylcysteine (NAC), which is an antioxidant therapy approved by FDA for hepatotoxicity caused by acetaminophen overdose. However, npi-001 manufactured by nacutity's patented process has better ability to penetrate and perspective omental cells than NAC.
In the Foundation funded Johns Hopkins University laboratory study, npi-001 reduced oxidative stress and maintained vision.
Nacutity's new therapies are based on very thoughtful and sound science. Since it is an oral tablet, the dosage can be easily adjusted. " Said Dr. Yerxa. "In addition, it was designed to be unrelated to the mutant gene that causes vision loss in patients. This means that npi-001 has the potential to help many people with multiple diseases and genetic characteristics. "
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