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Saving Vision with Skin Cells

Thanks to Foundation-funded researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, skin cells might someday restore vision lost to retinal degenerative diseases.要在威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校基金会资助的研究人员致谢,皮肤细胞有朝一日可能恢复失去的视网膜变性疾病的愿景。

Researcher David Gamm, MD, Ph.D., and his colleagues are turning the clock back on human skin cells to turn them into stem cells, and then coaxing them forward to develop into different types of retinal cells.大卫甘姆研究员,医学博士,博士和他的同事们把对人体皮肤细胞的时钟拨回他们变成干细胞,然后哄他们向前发展成不同类型的视网膜细胞。 When the innovative process is perfected, these cells — called induced pluripotent stem cells or iPS — could be used to replace and repair retinal tissue lost to disease.当创新过程的完善,这些细胞 - 干细胞称为诱导多能干或IPS - 可用于更换和维修视网膜组织失去了疾病。

In a research paper published in the August 24, 2009 issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Dr. Gamm describes the complex process they are using to develop these therapeutic retinal cells.在8月24日发表了一份研究报告,2009年的美国国家科学院院刊的问题,博士甘姆介绍了复杂的过程中,他们使用的是开发这些治疗视网膜细胞。

The key to perfecting this approach is to accurately mimic the development process of retinal cells in humans, ensuring that the derived retinal cells mature as much like naturally developing retinal cells as possible.关键是要完善这一方法是准确模仿人类的​​视网膜细胞的发育过程,确保派生视网膜细胞成熟的自然发展,就像尽可能视网膜细胞。 The research team also wants to ensure that unwanted, non-retinal cells don't appear in the mix of newly developed retinal cells.该研究小组还希望确保不想要的,非视网膜细胞不会出现在新开发的视网膜细胞结构。

In addition to working with iPS, Dr. Gamm and his colleagues are using human embryonic stem cells, or hESC, to create retinal cells that might someday serve as vision-restoring treatments.除了与IPS工作,博士甘姆和他的同事们利用人类胚胎干细胞,或胚胎干细胞,视网膜细胞创建或许有一天会成为视觉的恢复治疗。 One advantage of hESC is that they do not have to be induced into a primitive state; they are already stem cells.一个人类胚胎干细胞的优点是他们没有成为一个原始状态引起的;他们已经干细胞。

While hESC have been, and remain to be, attractive for a variety of medical treatments, an advantage of iPS is that they can be derived directly, easily, and safely from the person with the retinal disease who needs them.虽然人类胚胎干细胞一直并仍然是,对各种治疗的医疗吸引力,一个能干的优点是它们可以直接,方便,安全地从与视网膜疾病谁需要它们的人而得。

Dr. Gamm estimates that clinical trials for using hESC or iPS to replace retinal tissue are about five years out.甘姆博士估计,使用人类胚胎干细胞或IPS取代视网膜组织的临床试验约五年了。
"Dr. Gamm estimates that clinical trials for using hESC or iPS to replace retinal tissue are about five years out.Dr. Gamm estimates that clinical trials for using hESC or iPS to replace retinal tissue are about five years out.甘姆博士估计,使用人类胚胎干细胞或IPS取代视网膜组织的临床试验约五年了。"我认为应该翻译为“使用人类胚胎干细胞或IPS取代视网膜组织的临床试验约五年左右”
最兴奋的是看到最后一句话,但是"are about five years out."究竟什么意思不太懂,上高中时专门盯前面同学的后脑勺去了,这就是坐在美女后面的可悲之处,唉。
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