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Artificial Retina Receives European Marketing Approval
The Argus II Retinal Prosthesis System, an implantable device that provides useful vision to people who are blind from advanced retinal degenerative diseases such as retinitis pigmentosa, will be available later this year in Europe.

The Argus II received European marketing approval as a result of a successful three-year, 30-participant international clinical trial, which demonstrated the device’s long-term performance, safety, and reliability. It is the first artificial retina to receive marketing approval anywhere in the world. Second Sight Medical Products, developer of the Argus II, will also be seeking marketing approval for the device in the U.S.

The Argus II has enabled people who are profoundly blind to see shapes, locate objects, and recognize large letters. The retinal prosthesis system captures images from a miniature video camera mounted on a pair of sunglasses and converts them into electronic impulses that are sent to a 60-electrode chip attached to the retina. Users of the device perceive patterns of light, which they learn to interpret as vision.

“Second Sight’s artificial retina is giving people with advanced retinal disease the ability to function more independently,” says Stephen Rose, Ph.D., chief research officer, Foundation Fighting Blindness. “It is innovative technology that’s providing meaningful benefits to people who have no other options for improving their vision. I am very excited to see the device move out of clinical research into the marketplace.”

The Argus II will cost approximately $100, 000 U.S. Second Sight is working to obtain insurance coverage for the device and the surgical procedure (estimated to be $15,000 U.S.) to install it.

Second Sight reports that the Argus II is approved for persons meeting the following criteria:

•age 25 years or older
•severe to profound outer retinal degeneration
•some residual light perception or a retina that can respond to electrical stimulation
•previous history of useful form vision
The Argus II will be available later this year at the following clinical centers:

•Centre Hospitalier National d’Ophthalmologie des Quinze-Vingts (Paris, France)
•Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève (Geneva, Switzerland)
•Manchester Royal Hospital (Manchester, United Kingdom)
•Moorfields Eye Hospital (London, United Kingdom)

The Foundation Fighting Blindness funded early, preclinical studies of this artificial retina technology.
retweetBy吉汉纳福德下午23:55 2011年3月2日
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洛桑,2011年3月2日 - 经过20多年的研究和开发涉及的国际专家,第二视力医疗产品公司,为盲人视网膜假体的领先开发商,团队很高兴地宣布,其第二视网膜阿格斯假体系统(“阿古斯二”)现已获准在欧洲经济区(EEA)的销售。经过成功的临床涉及30多个世界各地的失明患者,以及对产品的安全性和性能非常彻底由一个独立的专家机构审查试验,该装置将成为有史以来第一个批准的治疗失明的人提供。

“经过多年的研究,我们非常高兴能够提供一个可行的长期从先进的视网膜色素性视网膜炎等(RP)的人患有退化性疾病的解决方案,”罗伯特说格林伯格博士,总裁和首席执行官的第二视力。 “CE标志批准,并经过激烈我们的审判和监管审查我们的设备来了,代表了这一领域,为这些病人谁到现在为止,一个巨大的进步,就没有有效的治疗办法。”


虽然还远远没有得到正常的视力,在阿格斯II期临床试验研究者兴奋的结果。 “经过3年多的临床试验来,我们高兴地展示了其性能,安全性和阿古斯二,长期可靠性,”何教授解释说,阿兰萨赫勒主席,眼科部:国家医学中心的德Ophtalmologie德Quinze - Vingts,巴黎,法国。达克鲁斯林登博士补充说,视网膜外科顾问医师博士摩菲眼科医院在伦敦,英国“事实上,几乎所有的患者有一个稳定,安全和运作系统,而大多数患者能识别大字,找到位置对象和最好的可看短的话打动超出了我们最乐观的预期我们'

有了这个CE标志批准,阿格斯II是计划将提供以下临床中心在今年晚些时候:国家医学中心的德Ophthalmologie德Quinze - Vingts(巴黎,法国),Hôpitaux日内瓦大学(瑞士日内瓦),曼彻斯特皇家眼科医院(曼彻斯特,英国)和摩菲眼科医院,(英国伦敦)。二是积极增加土地景观,使整个欧洲经济区的治疗更容易获得在未来数月和数年。该公司还注重获取设备和外科手术保险。

“这个'人造视网膜带来了成千上万的人希望拥有先进的视网膜疾病补充说:”大卫团长,首席英国视网膜色素病变人士协会执行。 “一个视觉元素的恢复可能会带来与它的独立性和流动性恢复,这将大大改善病人的生活质量。”
