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4月11,2013年- 我临床试验的CD34 +骨骨髓干细胞(BMSC)的大学的加州,戴维斯(加州大学戴维斯分校),研究人员已经推出了一期与导致视力损失缺血的视网膜条件的人,或失血流,细胞变性。博士的带领下 苏珊娜公园,调查小组认为,细胞可促进愈合和生存受影响视网膜组织。博士 公园产生了兴趣,因为他们已经在视网膜的条件下使用CD34 +骨髓间充质干细胞在缺血性心脏病的临床试验显示出可喜的成果。除了 ​​帮助修复受损动脉,他们似乎有助于恢复心肌细胞从心脏病发作和心脏衰竭的影响降到最低的一个好处CD34 +骨髓间充质干细胞是他们的能力自然磨练损伤或退化的部位。这是因为受损组织释放的因素,吸引细胞。Â加州大学戴维斯分校的临床前研究的小鼠显示,当CD34 +细胞分别注入小鼠视网膜损伤,他们迁移到受影响的组织。   因为每个临床试验的病人提供他或她自己的捐助CD34 +骨髓间充质干细胞,有是没有免疫的风险拒绝或免疫抑制的需要。该细胞是通过将针插入病人的髋关节骨。一个特殊的实验室技术被用来隔离CD34 +骨髓间充质干细胞的提取细胞样本。然后,干细胞被注射到患者的眼睛上。博士 公园的研究与视网膜退行性疾病,如视网膜色素变性(RP),Stargardt病和干燥的年龄相关性黄斑变性(AMD)的招生人。试验将包括糖尿病视网膜病变,视网膜静脉阻塞引起视网膜缺血的人。虽然这项研究的主要目标是评估安全性,研究人员还观察了CD34 +骨髓间充质干细胞的影响视力及视网膜结构。I期临床试验的结果将决定,如果第二阶段的试验是必要的-进一步评估疗效-可能是最适合这种形式的治疗条件。“我们很高兴看到这种做法,因为它是简单的,可行的,相对安全的博士说:“公园。“到目前为止,治疗一直是良好的耐受性,以及我们的初步数据暗示性黄斑变性患者视网膜细胞被纳入。”
Bone Marrow Stem Cells in Clinical Trial for Retinal Diseases
April 11, 2013 – Researchers from the University of California, Davis (UC Davis), have launched a Phase I clinical trial of CD34+ bone marrow stem cells (BMSC) for people with retinal conditions that cause vision loss from ischemia, or loss of blood flow, and cell degeneration. Led by Dr. Susanna Park, the investigative team believes the cells may promote the healing and survival of affected retinal tissue.

Dr. Park became interested in using CD34+ BMSC for retinal conditions because they have shown promising results in clinical trials for ischemic cardiac disease. In addition to helping repair damaged arteries, they appear to help cardiac cells recover from heart attacks and minimize the effects of heart failure.

A benefit of CD34+ BMSC is their ability to naturally hone to the site of damage or degeneration. That’s because the damaged tissue releases factors which attract the cells. A UC Davis preclinical study in mice showed that when CD34+ cells were in injected into mice with retinal damage, they migrated to the affected tissue.   

Because each clinical trial patient serves as his or her own donor of CD34+ BMSC, there is no risk of immune rejection or need for immunosuppression. The cells are obtained by inserting a needle into the patient’s hip bone. A special laboratory technique is used to isolate the CD34+ BMSC from the extracted cell sample. The stem cells are then injected into the patient’s eye.

Dr. Park’s study is enrolling people with retinal degenerative diseases, such as retinitis pigmentosa (RP), Stargardt disease and dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The trial will also include people with retinal ischemia caused by diabetic retinopathy and retinal vein occlusion.

While the primary goal of the study is to assess safety, the researchers are also observing the CD34+ BMSC’s affect on vision and retinal structure. Results from the Phase I study will determine if a Phase II trial is warranted — to further evaluate efficacy — and which conditions may be most amenable to this form of treatment.

“We are excited about this approach because it is simple, doable and relatively safe,” says Dr. Park. “So far, the treatment has been well-tolerated, and we have preliminary data from the macular degeneration patients suggesting that the cells are incorporating into the retina.”

本帖最后由 开心之硕 于 2013-4-14 00:42 编辑

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