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据病友心与心愿消息提供,美国ACT先进细胞技术公司CEO MR rabin将于9月13和14日在两个重要会议上提供公司正在进行的两个实验的最新消息。到时候网上有直播,有精通英文的网友可以第一时间知道实验进展。关于实验(胚胎干细胞治疗少年性黄斑变性和干性黄斑变性)上次的最新消息是7月份的,实验已经进行,患者耐受情况良好,但具体内容没有公布,期待下周的最新消息。
Mr. Rabin will provide updates on the company’s two ongoing human clinical trials using hESC-derived RPE cells to treat macular degeneration and other programs.
Mr. Rabin will present at the Rodman & Renshaw 13th Annual Healthcare Conference on Tuesday, Sept. 13, at 10:25 a.m. EDT, at the Waldorf Astoria.

A live audiocast will be available at the following link:
www.wsw.com/webcast/rrshq20/actc/. An archived version will also be available there and via ACT’s website at www.advancedcell.com.
第一个会议已经结束,但网上没看到相关的内容,第二个会议由于时差的关系,在北京时间明天凌晨6点前结束,有精通英文的朋友可以找下内容,Mr. Rabin will also present at Terrapinn’s Stem Cells USA & Regenerative Medicine Congress 2011, on Wednesday, Sept. 14, at 2:35 p.m. EDT at the Sheraton Boston Hotel.